⚝ I earnestly asked God to erase those memories from my mind.              ⚝ Facing our fears is not easy, even when we know God loves us, but facing our fears before the monster god of most religions.              ⚝Truly knowing God and His voice is an essential key to personal freedom.              ⚝There are many voices that bombard us, and evil often appears as an angel of light.              ⚝ No one can fully explain to another person what knowing the voice of God means for him or her.              ⚝ We ourselves have to learn to discern His voice.              ⚝ However, I have had people say to me on numerous occasions that God spoke to them, and I knew for certain that what they heard or understood was not from God.              ⚝ No one can fully explain to another person what knowing the voice of God means for him or her.              ⚝ If God speaks to you, it will be a voice of love and truth.              ⚝ His voice is patient and kind. His voice is the voice of reconciliation.              ⚝ His voice will be full of hope and life.              ⚝ His voice will be for you a gentle place of shelter.              ⚝His voice will never violate you in any way imaginable.              ⚝ He will not guilt you or because you harm.              ⚝ You will never have to prove yourself worthy in any way by having to perform for Him to gain His acceptance.              ⚝ He wants the very best for you.

Randy meulman

Randy Meulman lives in Naples Florida where he spends his days proclaiming the good news that there is “No Fear in Love.” In a world gone mad with its hatred and violence and gripped with fear and hopelessness, he offers a solution that can be yours today. Randy has written several books, but Fearless in the Storm is his favorite because it has answers that can set the reader free. This book was a gift to him, as he has personally witnessed events that few people have ever experienced. Those moments changed his life. There truly is “No Fear in Love” because perfect love casts out fear, and you can know for yourself what he is saying is true.

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About The Book

Many years ago, I was on a flight leaving the island of Kauai in Hawaii. At some point I was literally transported from the consciousness of this world and ushered into the realm of another dimension. That dimension was the presence of God. I have no recollection when on that flight the event occurred. I was simply transferred from one reality to another, and I witnessed things I didn’t believe existed.

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